Senkels was founded in 2020 by Daniel Lichtenegger. Passionate about shoes, while also working as a bespoke shoemaker in Austria, in all its facets. Senkels combines high-quality standards with fashionable styles and colours.

Workplaces before senkels
Two years ago, the idea of Senkels was still brand new and known to no more than a handful of family members and friends.
The idea? To fill the gap in a market that I noticed every day as a bespoke shoemaker:
No matter what price shoes were bought at, the laces were uniformly “inferior” and for 99% of the time mass-imported from China.
Therefore, in April 2020 (during the 1st big lockdown), the search for a solution began. The goal was to find a way to produce an Austrian alternative to polyester or recycled cotton shoelaces, featuring cheap plastic aglets. After 6 months of research, planning and hard work, the starting shot was fired in November 2020.Thanks to our wonderful customers, Senkels has now become more than an idea!